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Zolp is a short, catchy American surname. Every pronounceable 4-letter .COM domain has been registered since 2006, and every 4-letter .COM period since Nov. 2007. The market prices of pronounceable 4-letter .COM domains has been consistently rising each year since that buyout.

"zolp" is Google-searched a few thousand times each year, with most of these searchers looking for information on a wacky scholarship from Loyola University, granted only to Christian students whose last name is Zolp. On an unrelated note, Zolpidem is the active ingredient in many prescription hypnotics, most notably Ambien©.

If you're starting a web 2.0-style application and seeking a low-cost, catchy 4-letter name for your product, look no further. "Zolp!" looks amazing on a t-shirt and nicely as a verb ("I zolped him the other day...").

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